Welcome to Friday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.

Comment of the day

There isn’t enough room on the 2026 F1 calendar for all the events being held this year – and Mike reckons Imola will be the one to go:

I’m sure it will be Imola, though I wish it would be Mexico. Vegas is goofy but it’s at least better suited for modern wide F1 cars. Imola is special but there’s too many strikes against it continuing. Mexico is boring, either too much DRS and fake passing, or not enough and a procession. I suppose they could tighten up turns 7-11 for more wrecks and safety cars if they wanted more fake excitement.

Mike Davies (@nanotech)

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to Cameron, Nano Rock, SamS, Ryan-Veitch and Euro Brun!